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Heatmap options

This section covers the configuration options for heatmap chart visualizations. For an example, see heat map example.


To configure general options, click General and configure each of the following required settings:

  • X Column: The part of the query result to use to divide the data into rows, such as days of the week.
  • Y Columns: The part of the query result to use to divide the data into rows, such as trip distance.
  • Color Column: The part of the query result that determines the color for each grid area, such as trip fare.

X axis

To configure formatting options for the X axis, click X axis and configure the following optional settings:

  • Scale: Automatic (Categorical) or Categorical.
  • Name: Override the column name with a different display name.
  • Sort values: Whether to sort the X axis values, even if they are not sorted in the query.
  • Reverse Order: Whether to reverse the sorting order.
  • Show labels Whether to show the X axis values as labels.
  • Hide axis: If enabled, hides the X axis labels and scale markers.

Y axis

To configure formatting options for the Y axis, click Y axis and configure the following optional settings:

  • Scale: Categorical is the only option.
  • Name: Override the column name with a different display name.
  • Start Value: Show only values higher than a given value, regardless of the query result.
  • End Value: Show only values lower than a given value, regardless of the query result.
  • Hide axis: If enabled, hides the Y axis labels and scale markers.
  • Sort values: Whether to sort the X axis values, even if they are not sorted in the query.
  • Reverse Order: Whether to reverse the sorting order.


To configure colors, click Colors and optionally override automatic colors and configure custom colors:

  • Name: Override the legend name with a different display name.
  • Color scheme: Specify a custom color scheme.

Data labels

To configure labels for each data point in the visualization, click Data labels and configure the following optional settings:

  • Show data labels: Whether to show data labels. Data labels can add visual clutter and are usually disabled for heatmaps.
  • Number values format: The format to use for labels for numeric values.
  • Percent values format: The format to use for labels for percentages.
  • Date/time values format: The format to use for labels for date/time values.
  • Data labels: The format to use for labels for other types of values.