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Chart options

This article outlines available options for many of the charts that you can access from a notebook or the SQL editor. For charts that are not discussed in this article, see Visualization types.

Chart types

The following charts have a simliar set of configuration options:

  • Bar
  • Line
  • Area
  • Pie
  • Scatter
  • Bubble
  • Combo


To configure general options, click General and configure each of the following required settings:

  • X column: A field to be displayed on the x axis.
  • Y column: Fields to be displayed on the y axis. Fields can optionally be aggregated by SUM, COUNT, COUNT DISTINCT, AVERAGE, MEDIAN, MIN, MAX, STANDARD DEVIATION, VARIANCE.
  • Disable aggregations: If you’ve written an aggregation in your SQL query and do not want to apply an aggregation on your Y column, select the Disable aggregations button under the y axis kebab. This will ensure no aggregation is applied, and ensure any sort order in your query is maintained in the visualization.
  • Group by: Also known as color in some tools, select a dimension by which to group all other values. Each group will appear in the legend as a separate entry, and the chart will display each group in its own color.
  • Error column: Displays an error boundary for upper and lower ranges of values.
  • Legend placement: Options are automatic, flexible, right, bottom, or hidden.
  • Legend items order: Options are normal or reversed.
  • Stacking: Options are stacked or grouped. When stacked, values belonging to multiple series will be layered on top of each other to show cumulative values. Grouped values will show series placed side by side.
  • Normalize values to percentage: When multiple series are used, each series will show a percentage of the total value of the underlying grouping, rather than a raw number.
  • Missing and NULL values: If a value is missing or null, you can choose to either convert the value to 0 and display it on the chart, or hide the value.
  • Horizontal chart: Flips the X and Y axis on the chart.
  • Bubble configurations (bubble only): Defines the size of each bubble on a bubble chart.

X and Y axis tabs

To configure formatting options for the X axis or Y axis, click X axis or Y axis and configure the following optional settings:

  • Scale Type: Options are categorical, linear, or logarithmic. Categorical scale types should be selected when each value belongs to a discrete category, for example a geographical region. Linear or logarithmic should be chosen when each value is continuous, for example, temperatures. By default, a scale type will be chosen based off of the data type of the field selected on that axis.
  • Axis rename: Enter text to rename the axis.
  • Sort X axis values: Enables sorting by the X axis field values in alphabetical order.
  • Show / hide labels: Shows / hides the axis labels.
  • Show / hide axis: Shows / hides the axis lines.
  • Custom Y axis range:: Defines a custom range for the Y axis.


To configure series options, click Options and configure the following optional settings:

  • Series order: Allows you to reorder series by clicking and dragging.
  • Series label: Enter text to rename the series.
  • Y axis assignment: Specifies if the particular series values should be assigned to the left or right axis.
  • Series type: Specifies if the series should be displayed as a bar or line.


To configure colors, click Colors and optionally override automatic colors and configure custom colors.

  • Custom colors: Allows users to choose custom colors for each series. Defaults to *automatic, in which case workspace theme colors are chosen.
  • Predefined color scheme(s): Certain chart types have predefined color schemes which must be chosen from.

Data labels

To configure labels for each data point in the visualization, click Data labels and configure the following optional settings:

  • Show data labels: Show data labels.
  • Number values format: Formats any number values on the data label and tooltips.
  • Percent values format: Formats any percentage values on the data label and tooltips.
  • Date values format: Formats any date/time values on the data label and tooltips.
  • Data labels: Allows you to customize what is shown on the data labels and tooltips.