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Applies to: check marked yes Databricks SQL check marked yes Databricks Runtime 10.4 LTS and above


Information is displayed only for providers the user has permission to interact with.

This is an extension to the SQL Standard Information Schema.


The PROVIDERS relation contains the following columns:

NameData typeNullableDescription
PROVIDER_NAMESTRINGNoName of the provider.
PROVIDER_OWNERSTRINGNoOwner of the provider.
AUTHENTICATION_TYPESTRINGNoAuthentication type used with the provider.
SHARE_CREDENTIALS_VERSIONSTRINGYesFile format version of the profile file used in Delta Sharing protocol.
ENDPOINTSTRINGYesEndpoint of the Delta Sharing server.
COMMENTSTRINGYesAn optional comment that describes the provider.
CLOUDSTRINGNoCloud vendor of the provider.
REGIONSTRINGNoRegion of the provider.
DATA_PROVIDER_GLOBAL_METASTORE_IDSTRINGNoGlobally unique metastore ID of the provider.
CREATEDTIMESTAMPNoTimestamp when the provider was created.
CREATED_BYSTRINGNoPrincipal who created the provider.
LAST_ALTEREDTIMESTAMPNoTimestamp when the provider was last altered in any way.
LAST_ALTERED_BYSTRINGNoPrincipal who last altered the provider.


The following constraints apply to the PROVIDERS relation:

ClassNameColumn ListDescription
Primary keyPROVIDERS_PKPROVIDER_NAMEUnique identifier for the provider.


> SELECT provider_owner
FROM information_schema.providers