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window grouping expression

Applies to: check marked yes Databricks SQL check marked yes Databricks Runtime

Creates a hopping based sliding-window over a timestamp expression.


window(expr, width [, slide [, start] ] )


  • expr: A TIMESTAMP expression specifying the subject of the window.
  • width: A STRING literal representing the width of the window as an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND literal.
  • slide: An optional STRING literal representing an offset from midnight to start, expressed as an INTERVAL HOUR TO SECOND literal.
  • start: An optional STRING literal representing the start of the next window expressed as an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND literal.


Returns a set of groupings which can be operated on with aggregate functions. The GROUP BY column name is window. It is of type STRUCT<start TIMESTAMP, end TIMESTAMP>

slide must be less than or equal to width. start must be less than slide.

If slide < width the rows in each groups overlap. By default slide equals width so expr are partitioned into groups. The windowing starts at 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC + start. The default for start is '0 SECONDS'


> SELECT window, min(val), max(val), count(val)
FROM VALUES (TIMESTAMP'2020-08-01 12:20:21', 17),
(TIMESTAMP'2020-08-01 12:20:22', 12),
(TIMESTAMP'2020-08-01 12:23:10', 8),
(TIMESTAMP'2020-08-01 12:25:05', 11),
(TIMESTAMP'2020-08-01 12:28:59', 15),
(TIMESTAMP'2020-08-01 12:30:01', 23),
(TIMESTAMP'2020-08-01 12:30:15', 2),
(TIMESTAMP'2020-08-01 12:35:22', 16) AS S(stamp, val)
GROUP BY window(stamp, '2 MINUTES 30 SECONDS', '30 SECONDS', '15 SECONDS');
{2020-08-01 12:19:15, 2020-08-01 12:21:45} 12 17 2
{2020-08-01 12:18:15, 2020-08-01 12:20:45} 12 17 2
{2020-08-01 12:20:15, 2020-08-01 12:22:45} 12 17 2
{2020-08-01 12:19:45, 2020-08-01 12:22:15} 12 17 2
{2020-08-01 12:18:45, 2020-08-01 12:21:15} 12 17 2
{2020-08-01 12:21:45, 2020-08-01 12:24:15} 8 8 1
{2020-08-01 12:22:45, 2020-08-01 12:25:15} 8 11 2
{2020-08-01 12:21:15, 2020-08-01 12:23:45} 8 8 1
{2020-08-01 12:22:15, 2020-08-01 12:24:45} 8 8 1
{2020-08-01 12:20:45, 2020-08-01 12:23:15} 8 8 1
{2020-08-01 12:23:45, 2020-08-01 12:26:15} 11 11 1
{2020-08-01 12:23:15, 2020-08-01 12:25:45} 11 11 1
{2020-08-01 12:24:45, 2020-08-01 12:27:15} 11 11 1
{2020-08-01 12:24:15, 2020-08-01 12:26:45} 11 11 1
{2020-08-01 12:27:15, 2020-08-01 12:29:45} 15 15 1
{2020-08-01 12:27:45, 2020-08-01 12:30:15} 15 23 2
{2020-08-01 12:28:45, 2020-08-01 12:31:15} 2 23 3
{2020-08-01 12:26:45, 2020-08-01 12:29:15} 15 15 1
{2020-08-01 12:28:15, 2020-08-01 12:30:45} 2 23 3
{2020-08-01 12:29:45, 2020-08-01 12:32:15} 2 23 2