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read_statestore table-valued function

Applies to: check marked yes Databricks SQL check marked yes Databricks Runtime 14.3 and above

A table valued function for reading records from the state store of streaming queries. The returned relation only supports running as a batch query.


read_statestore ( path [, option_key => option_value ] [ ... ] )


read_statestore requires named parameter invocation for its optional parameters.

  • path: A STRING literal. The path of the streaming query checkpoint location.
  • option_key: The name of the option to configure. You need to use backticks (`) for options that contain dots (.).
  • option_value: A constant expression to set the option to. Accepts literals and scalar functions.

All option_values are case-insensitive.

batchIdBIGINTlatest batch idRepresents the target batch to read from. This option is used when users want to perform time-travel. The batch should be committed but not yet cleaned up.
OperatorIdBIGINT0Represents the target operator to read from. This option is used when the query is using multiple stateful operators.
storeNameSTRING'DEFAULT'Represents the target side to read from. This option is used when users want to read the state from stream-stream join.
joinSideSTRING'None'Represents the target side to read from. This option is used when users want to read the state from stream-stream join. One of: 'Left', 'Right', 'None'.


The function returns a result set with the following columns.


The nested columns for key and value heavily depend on the input schema of the stateful operator and the type of operator.

NameData typeNullableStandardDescription
idSTRUCTNoKey row of the stateful operator stored in the state checkpoint.
valueSTRUCTYesValue row of the stateful operator stored in the state checkpoint.
partition_idINTEGERNoThe partition that contains the record.
shardIdSTRINGNoA unique identifier for the shard where the data was read from.
sequenceNumberBIGINTNoThe unique identifier of the record within its shard.
approximateArrivalTimestampTIMESTAMPNoThe approximate time that the record was inserted into the stream.


- Read from state
> SELECT * FROM read_statestore('/checkpoint/path');

Read from state with storeName option
> SELECT * FROM read_statestore(
operatorId => 0,
batchId => 2,
storeName => 'default'

Read from state with joinSide option

> SELECT * FROM read_statestore(
joinSide => 'left'