Model training examples
This section includes examples showing how to train machine learning models on Databricks using many popular open-source libraries.
You can also use AutoML, which automatically prepares a dataset for model training, performs a set of trials using open-source libraries such as scikit-learn and XGBoost, and creates a Python notebook with the source code for each trial run so you can review, reproduce, and modify the code.
Machine learning examples
Package | Notebook(s) | Features |
scikit-learn | Machine learning tutorial | Unity Catalog, classification model, MLflow, automated hyperparameter tuning with Hyperopt and MLflow |
scikit-learn | End-to-end example | Unity Catalog, classification model, MLflow, automated hyperparameter tuning with Hyperopt and MLflow, XGBoost |
MLlib | MLlib examples | Binary classification, decision trees, GBT regression, Structured Streaming, custom transformer |
xgboost | XGBoost examples | Python, PySpark, and Scala, single node workloads and distributed training |
Hyperparameter tuning examples
For general information about hyperparameter tuning in Databricks, see Hyperparameter tuning.
Package | Notebook | Features |
Optuna | Get started with Optuna | Optuna, distributed Optuna, scikit-learn, MLflow |
Hyperopt | Distributed hyperopt | Distributed hyperopt, scikit-learn, MLflow |
Hyperopt | Compare models | Use distributed hyperopt to search hyperparameter space for different model types simultaneously |
Hyperopt | Distributed training algorithms and hyperopt | Hyperopt, MLlib |
Hyperopt | Hyperopt best practices | Best practices for datasets of different sizes |