Clusters CLI (legacy)
This documentation has been retired and might not be updated.
This information applies to legacy Databricks CLI versions 0.18 and below. Databricks recommends that you use newer Databricks CLI version 0.205 or above instead. See What is the Databricks CLI?. To find your version of the Databricks CLI, run databricks -v
To migrate from Databricks CLI version 0.18 or below to Databricks CLI version 0.205 or above, see Databricks CLI migration.
You run Databricks clusters CLI subcommands by appending them to databricks clusters
. These subcommands call the Clusters API.
databricks clusters -h
Usage: databricks clusters [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Utility to interact with Databricks clusters.
-v, --version [VERSION]
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
create Creates a Databricks cluster.
--json-file PATH File containing JSON request to POST to /api/2.0/clusters/create.
--json JSON JSON string to POST to /api/2.0/clusters/create.
delete Removes a Databricks cluster.
--cluster-id CLUSTER_ID Can be found in the URL at https://<databricks-instance>/?o=<16-digit-number>#/setting/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/configuration.
edit Edits a Databricks cluster.
--json-file PATH File containing JSON request to POST to /api/2.0/clusters/edit.
--json JSON JSON string to POST to /api/2.0/clusters/edit.
events Gets events for a Spark cluster.
--cluster-id CLUSTER_ID Can be found in the URL at https://<databricks-instance>/#/setting/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/configuration. [required]
--start-time TEXT The start time in epoch milliseconds. If
unprovided, returns events starting from the
beginning of time.
--end-time TEXT The end time in epoch milliseconds. If unprovided,
returns events up to the current time
--order TEXT The order to list events in; either ASC or DESC.
Defaults to DESC (most recent first).
--event-type TEXT An event types to filter on (specify multiple event
types by passing the --event-type option multiple
times). If empty, all event types are returned.
--offset TEXT The offset in the result set. Defaults to 0 (no
offset). When an offset is specified and the
results are requested in descending order, the
end_time field is required.
--limit TEXT The maximum number of events to include in a page
of events. Defaults to 50, and maximum allowed
value is 500.
--output FORMAT can be "JSON" or "TABLE". Set to TABLE by default.
get Retrieves metadata about a cluster.
--cluster-id CLUSTER_ID Can be found in the URL at https://<databricks-instance>/?o=<16-digit-number>#/setting/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/configuration.
list Lists active and recently terminated clusters.
--output FORMAT JSON or TABLE. Set to TABLE by default.
list-node-types Lists node types for a cluster.
list-zones Lists zones where clusters can be created.
permanent-delete Permanently deletes a cluster.
--cluster-id CLUSTER_ID Can be found in the URL at https://<databricks-instance>/?o=<16-digit-number>#/setting/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/configuration.
resize Resizes a Databricks cluster given its ID.
--cluster-id CLUSTER_ID Can be found in the URL at https://<databricks-instance>/?o=<16-digit-number>#/setting/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/configuration.
--num-workers INTEGER Number of workers. [required]
restart Restarts a Databricks cluster.
--cluster-id CLUSTER_ID Can be found in the URL at https://<databricks-instance>/?o=<16-digit-number>#/setting/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/configuration.
spark-versions Lists possible Databricks Runtime versions.
start Starts a terminated Databricks cluster.
--cluster-id CLUSTER_ID Can be found in the URL at https://<databricks-instance>/?o=<16-digit-number>#/setting/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/configuration.
Create a cluster
To display usage documentation, run databricks clusters create --help
databricks clusters create --json-file create-cluster.json
"cluster_name": "my-cluster",
"spark_version": "7.3.x-scala2.12",
"node_type_id": "i3.xlarge",
"spark_conf": {
"spark.speculation": true
"aws_attributes": {
"availability": "SPOT",
"zone_id": "us-west-2a"
"num_workers": 25
"cluster_id": "1234-567890-batch123"
Delete a cluster
To display usage documentation, run databricks clusters delete --help
databricks clusters delete --cluster-id 1234-567890-batch123
If successful, no output is displayed.
Change a cluster’s configuration
To display usage documentation, run databricks clusters edit --help
databricks clusters edit --json-file edit-cluster.json
"cluster_id": "1234-567890-batch123",
"num_workers": 10,
"spark_version": "7.3.x-scala2.12",
"node_type_id": "i3.xlarge"
If successful, no output is displayed.
List events for a cluster
To display usage documentation, run databricks clusters events --help
databricks clusters events \
--cluster-id 1234-567890-batch123 \
--start-time 1617238800000 \
--end-time 1619485200000 \
--order DESC \
--limit 5 \
--event-type RUNNING \
--output JSON \
| jq .
"events": [
"cluster_id": "1234-567890-batch123",
"timestamp": 1619214150232,
"type": "RUNNING",
"details": {
"current_num_workers": 2,
"target_num_workers": 2
"cluster_id": "1234-567890-batch123",
"timestamp": 1617895221986,
"type": "RUNNING",
"details": {
"current_num_workers": 2,
"target_num_workers": 2
"next_page": {
"cluster_id": "1234-567890-batch123",
"start_time": 1617238800000,
"end_time": 1619485200000,
"order": "DESC",
"event_types": [
"offset": 5,
"limit": 5
"total_count": 11
Get information about a cluster
To display usage documentation, run databricks clusters get --help
databricks clusters get --cluster-id 1234-567890-batch123
databricks clusters get --cluster-name my-cluster
"cluster_id": "1234-567890-batch123",
"spark_context_id": 8232037838300762810,
"cluster_name": "my-cluster",
"spark_version": "8.1.x-scala2.12",
"aws_attributes": {
"zone_id": "us-west-2c",
"first_on_demand": 1,
"availability": "SPOT_WITH_FALLBACK",
"spot_bid_price_percent": 100,
"ebs_volume_count": 0
"node_type_id": "i3.xlarge",
"driver_node_type_id": "i3.xlarge",
"autotermination_minutes": 120,
"enable_elastic_disk": false,
"disk_spec": {
"disk_count": 0
"cluster_source": "UI",
"enable_local_disk_encryption": false,
"instance_source": {
"node_type_id": "i3.xlarge"
"driver_instance_source": {
"node_type_id": "i3.xlarge"
"state": "TERMINATED",
"state_message": "Inactive cluster terminated (inactive for 120 minutes).",
"start_time": 1616773202562,
"terminated_time": 1619228528317,
"last_state_loss_time": 1619214150116,
"autoscale": {
"min_workers": 2,
"max_workers": 8
"default_tags": {
"Vendor": "Databricks",
"Creator": "",
"ClusterName": "my-cluster",
"ClusterId": "1234-567890-batch123"
"creator_user_name": "",
"termination_reason": {
"code": "INACTIVITY",
"parameters": {
"inactivity_duration_min": "120"
"type": "SUCCESS"
"init_scripts_safe_mode": false
List information about all available clusters
To display usage documentation, run databricks clusters list --help
databricks clusters list --output JSON | jq .
"clusters": [
"cluster_id": "1234-567890-batch123",
"spark_context_id": 8232037838300762810,
"cluster_name": "my-cluster",
"spark_version": "8.1.x-scala2.12",
"aws_attributes": {
"zone_id": "us-west-2c",
"first_on_demand": 1,
"availability": "SPOT_WITH_FALLBACK",
"spot_bid_price_percent": 100,
"ebs_volume_count": 0
"node_type_id": "i3.xlarge",
"driver_node_type_id": "i3.xlarge",
"autotermination_minutes": 120,
"enable_elastic_disk": false,
"disk_spec": {
"disk_count": 0
"cluster_source": "UI",
"enable_local_disk_encryption": false,
"instance_source": {
"node_type_id": "i3.xlarge"
"driver_instance_source": {
"node_type_id": "i3.xlarge"
"state": "TERMINATED",
"state_message": "Inactive cluster terminated (inactive for 120 minutes).",
"start_time": 1616773202562,
"terminated_time": 1619228528317,
"last_state_loss_time": 1619214150116,
"autoscale": {
"min_workers": 2,
"max_workers": 8
"default_tags": {
"Vendor": "Databricks",
"Creator": "",
"ClusterName": "my-cluster",
"ClusterId": "1234-567890-batch123"
"creator_user_name": "",
"termination_reason": {
"code": "INACTIVITY",
"parameters": {
"inactivity_duration_min": "120"
"type": "SUCCESS"
"init_scripts_safe_mode": false
List available cluster node types
To display usage documentation, run databricks clusters list-node-types --help
databricks clusters list-node-types
"node_types": [
"node_type_id": "z1d.12xlarge",
"memory_mb": 393216,
"num_cores": 48.0,
"description": "z1d.12xlarge",
"instance_type_id": "z1d.12xlarge",
"is_deprecated": false,
"category": "Memory Optimized",
"support_ebs_volumes": true,
"support_cluster_tags": true,
"num_gpus": 0,
"node_instance_type": {
"instance_type_id": "z1d.12xlarge",
"local_disks": 2,
"local_disk_size_gb": 900,
"instance_family": "EC2 z1d Family vCPUs",
"swap_size": "10g"
"is_hidden": false,
"support_port_forwarding": true,
"display_order": 0,
"is_io_cache_enabled": false
List available zones for creating clusters
To display usage documentation, run databricks clusters list-zones --help
databricks clusters list-zones
"zones": [
"default_zone": "us-west-2c"
Permanently delete a cluster
To display usage documentation, run databricks clusters permanent-delete --help
databricks clusters permanent-delete --cluster-id 1234-567890-batch123
If successful, no output is displayed.
Resize a cluster
To display usage documentation, run databricks clusters resize --help
databricks clusters resize --cluster-id 1234-567890-batch123 --num-workers 10
If successful, no output is displayed.
Restart a cluster
To display usage documentation, run databricks clusters restart --help
databricks clusters restart --cluster-id 1234-567890-batch123
If successful, no output is displayed.
List available Spark runtime versions
To display usage documentation, run databricks clusters spark-versions --help
databricks clusters spark-versions
"versions": [
"key": "8.2.x-scala2.12",
"name": "8.2 (includes Apache Spark 3.1.1, Scala 2.12)"
Start a cluster
To display usage documentation, run databricks clusters start --help
databricks clusters start --cluster-id 1234-567890-batch123
If successful, no output is displayed.