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Marketplace system tables reference


This system table is in Public Preview. To access the table, the schema must be enabled in your system catalog. For more information, see Enable system table schemas.

This article provides an overview of how to use system tables to help monitor your Databricks Marketplace selling process.

Marketplace system tables live in the system.marketplace schema. The following tables are available:

  • Listing access: Records the consumer info for completed request data or get data events on your listings.
  • Funnel events: Records impressions and actions taken on your listings.

You can use the Provider Analytics Dashboard to monitor recipient usage metrics. The dashboard pulls data from the Marketplace system tables. See Monitor listing usage metrics using dashboards.

Listing access events table

The listing access events table retrieves the consumer info for completed request data or get data events on your listings.

Table path: This system table is located at system.marketplace.listing_access_events.

Column nameData typeDescription
account_idstringThe account ID that hosts the listing.
metastore_idstringThe metatore ID that hosts the listing.
metastore_cloudstringThe cloud provider of the metastore that hosts the listing.
metastore_regionstringThe region of the metastore that hosts the listing.
provider_idstringThe provider profile ID.
provider_namestringThe provider profile name.
listing_idstringThe listing ID.
listing_namestringThe listing name.
consumer_delta_sharing_recipient_namestringThe underlying Delta Sharing recipient name for the consumer. The value is null when the event_type is REQUEST_DATA.
consumer_delta_sharing_recipient_typestringWhether the consumer is on a Databricks account or not. Values will be either OPEN or DATABRICKS.
consumer_cloudstringThe consumer’s cloud. Nullable if consumer_delta_sharing_recipient_type is OPEN.
consumer_regionstringThe consumer’s region. Nullable if consumer_delta_sharing_recipient_type is OPEN.
consumer_metastore_idstringThe consumer’s metastore ID. Nullable if consumer_delta_sharing_recipient_type is OPEN.
consumer_emailstringThe consumer’s email address.
consumer_namestringThe consumer’s name.
consumer_companystringThe consumer’s company.
consumer_intended_usestringThe consumer’s intended use of the listing.
consumer_commentsstringAny additional comment the consumer left.
event_typestringThe type of access. The value can be either REQUEST_DATA or GET_DATA.
event_datedateThe UTC date the event happened.
event_timetimestampThe exact UTC timestamp when the event happened. Timezone information is recorded at the end of the value with +00:00 representing UTC.

Listing funnel events table

The listing funnel events table analyzes impressions and actions taken on your listings. The event_type tells you what action the consumer took on your listing.

Table path: This system table is located at system.marketplace.listing_funnel_events.

Column nameData typeDescription
account_idstringThe account ID that hosts the listing.
metastore_idstringThe metatore ID that hosts the listing.
metastore_cloudstringThe cloud provider of the metastore that hosts the listing.
metastore_regionstringThe region of the metastore that hosts the listing.
provider_idstringThe provider profile ID.
provider_namestringThe provider profile name.
listing_idstringThe listing ID.
listing_namestringThe listing name.
event_typestringThe type of consumer action. See Event types.
event_timetimestampThe exact UTC timestamp when the event happened. Timezone information is recorded at the end of the value with +00:00 representing UTC.
event_datedateThe UTC date the event happened.
consumer_cloudstringThe consumer’s cloud. Nullable if consumer_delta_sharing_recipient_type is OPEN.
consumer_regionstringThe consumer’s region. Nullable if consumer_delta_sharing_recipient_type is OPEN.

Event types

Possible values for the event_type column are:


Known limitations

  • As of March 12, 2024, Marketplace system tables include activity from consumers using Databricks on Google Cloud. Tables do not include Google Cloud consumer activity prior to this date.
  • In the listing_funnel_events table, the event types of ABANDON_FAIL_DATA and FAIL_GET_DATA were not recorded prior to November 30, 2023.

Example queries

This section includes the following sample queries you can use to gain insight into consumer activity on your listings.

Consumer requests from the last 10 days

SELECT event_date, provider_name, listing_name, listing_id, consumer_delta_sharing_recipient_name, consumer_cloud, consumer_region, consumer_name, consumer_email, consumer_company
FROM system.marketplace.listing_access_events
WHERE event_type = 'REQUEST_DATA'
AND event_date >= date_add(current_date(), -10)

Top listings by number of requests

SELECT listing_name, consumer_cloud, count(*) as requestCount
FROM system.marketplace.listing_access_events
GROUP BY listing_name, consumer_cloud
ORDER BY requestCount DESC

View top requesters

SELECT consumer_name, consumer_email, count(*) as requestCount
FROM system.marketplace.listing_access_events
GROUP BY consumer_name, consumer_email
ORDER BY requestCount DESC

View the number of times each consumer action was taken on a listing

SELECT event_type, COUNT(*) as occurrences
FROM system.marketplace.listing_funnel_events
WHERE listing_name = :listing_name
GROUP BY event_type

Notebook demo: Analyze the Marketplace system tables

The following notebook includes the examples queries from this article along with additional cells that provide further analysis.

Marketplace system table demo

Open notebook in new tab